
Showing posts from June, 2018

Configuring OpenVPN on AWS EC2

This tutorial focus on configuring OpenVPN on Amazon AWS EC2. We will not be going through the process of creating an Amazon account. For details about Amazon AWS please refer to the main site . Update: 18 Aug 2018 A lot of changes happened in the span of few months. Openvpn is not in AWS AMI repo anymore. We need to install the latest version of Openvpn frpm EPEL and the configuration is very different. Thus we decided to create another version in a new post . If you are still using an old image of AWS and you have already installed Openvpn then the following setting may still work. Acknowledgement We would like to shout-out to Paul Bischoff for his post on "How to make your own free VPN with Amazon Web Services" .   He has recently updated the post for easy-rsa configuration. He made it easy for installing and configuring easy-rsa. However, we did not follow his openvpn configuration. For configuration we refer to openvpn HOWTO articl...