
Showing posts from 2013

Install Ubuntu 13.10 on VirtualBox

Review The latest release of Ubuntu 13.10 is here. I've installed it on a VirtualBox virtual machine running on a Mac OS host. This version is an improved version of 13.04. It is much more stable than the previous version. Please note that Ubuntu is a resource intensive OS. Please ensure that your host OS is running on a powerful hardware. Please allocate more memory to the virtual machine. You can use Ubuntu 13.10 as your primary OS. Please refer to the installation instruction below. Installation Notes Setting up Virtual Machine On VirtualBox select " New ". Enter the name of virtual machine. Click " Continue ". Set your memory allocation for this virtual machine. Click " Continue ". Select an existing virtual hard drive or create a new one. Click " Continue ". If you are creating a new virtual hard drive, select the hard drive file type. Select the default. Click " Conti

Managing Podcast with iTunes 11.1

I've just upgraded iTunes 11.1. On the first look it appears that the features of managing individual podcast download may had been broken. After some exploration, I've discovered that there is a new way of managing podcast. Listed below is some of the new interface I've discovered.  If you are using a list view for managing podcast, you'll be disappointed because you cannot manage individual podcast download here any more . You can only set the default podcast here. To set default podcast, click settings. and choose how you want the default podcast to be download. Previously, to manage individual podcast you need to select each podcast on the list and click settings. In iTunes 11.1 there is another way for you to manage each podcast. Please note that your previous  podcast settings is not lost . From the list view, you'll notice pages such as " My Podcasts " and " My Stations ". To manage individual podcast select " My P

Create C Program with Dynamic Library using Xcode in Mac OS X

The following instructions is a simplified procedure to create a dynamic library. Please note that the actual implementation of dynamic library is very complex if the library is very large and multiple users or versions are involved. Please consult the Xcode user guide for more information. Example The following program is a complete program that uses some math functions: #include <stdio.h> #define PI 3.1415; double CircleArea (double radius); double CircleCircum (double radius); double PowerOf2 (double number); double PowerOf3 (double number); int main ( ) { double r = 4.0; double n = 5.0; printf ("Radius %.2f, area is %.2f \n", r, CircleArea(r)); printf ("Radius %.2f, circumference is %.2f \n", r, CircleCircum(r)); printf ("%.2f to the power of 2 is %.2f \n", n, PowerOf2(n)); printf ("%.2f to the power of 3 is %.2f \n", n, PowerOf3(n)); return 0; } double CircleArea (double radius) { return radius * radius * P