Vim Cheat Sheet and Syntax Highlighting
Vim Cheat Sheet
Saving and Exiting Vim
- :wq save changes and exit
- :q! quit changes and exit
- :q quit and exit provide no changes
- :x save changes and exit
Moving around lines
- Use arrow keys to move around
- For laptop users use hjkl:
- h left
- l right
- k up
- j down
- <ctrl>+F page up
- <ctrl>+B page down
- e end of the word (forward)
- b begin of the word (backward)
- w beging of the word (forward)
- 0 begin of the line
- $ end of the line
- H first line of screen
- L last line of screen
- :n goto line number
Text Editing
- i inset before cursor
- a append after cursor
- A append to the end of current line
- o open an new line below cursor and inset
- C change the rest of current line
- r replace current character e.g. rd replace current character to d
- x delete cha under cursor
- dw delete word
- dd delete current line
- d$ delete the rest of the line form cursor
Copy and Paste
- yy copy current line
- dd delete current line or cut current line
- p paste
Copy and Paste in Visual Mode
- v enter visual mode, highlight the text
- y copy highlighted
- x delete highlight
- p paste
Undo and Redo (normal mode)
- u undo
- U undo all the changes for the current line
- <ctrl>+r redo
Syntax Highlighting
Enable Syntax Highlighting
- :syntax on
To enable autoindent
- :set autoindent
To enable line number
- :set number
To see the default file type
- :set filetype
To set filetype manually:
- :set filetype=perl
- :set filetype=php
- :set filetype=python
To configure syntax highlighting permanently, go to the configuration file under vim ~/.vimrc
Add the following:
syntax on
set number
set autoindent
Note: The previous tips should worked on Linux, Max OS X and Unix. If it doesn't work please refer to the man page or check the documentation of vim for the particular OS.
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