Install Google Chrome on Fedora 16 (Verne)

There are two ways to install Google Chrome Browser in Fedora. The recommended way is to navigate to the Google Chrome site at, the site will automatically detect your operating system and display the appropriate download for you. The installation screenshot is listed below.

The alternative way is using Google Linux Repository. However, Google has decided to discontinue Google Pack which host the repository of third party software. You can visit the Google Pack site for further information. Some users encounter problems when using yum to install Google Chrome. However, I did not encounter any problem during my testing. The details of using yum to install Google Chrome is also listed below. But I am not certain that the repository will remain there. If you encounter any problem, use the recommended method.

Installing Google Chrome (Recommended Method)
First visit the site The site will detect you operating system and display the appropriate download page as below.

Click "Download Google Chrome"

Select 32-bit or 64-bit rpm file (For Fedora/openSUSE). Click "Agree and Install".

If you are using Firefox browser, it will display a box as above. Click "OK".

Click Install.

Depending of which software you have installed previously. You may received an additional box that inform you to install additional dependencies software. Install any dependencies software as per recommendation. The installation will complete after a while. To confirm, Google Chrome is located under Applications >> Internet.

Installing Google Chrome using Yum
The first thing you need to do is to configure a Google repository file. Create a plain text file called google.repo as follows:
name=Google - x86_64

You could also download a copy from here:google.repo.
Place the file under /etc/yum.repos.d. (You need to use sudo command to move this file)
Finally, you can install Google Chrome using the command:
$sudo yum install google-chrome-stable

If you like to test the beta version or unstable version use the following command:
$sudo yum install google-chrome-beta
$sudo yum install google-chrome-unstable 

You could also create a script to automate the installation process. The script is as follows:
#! /bin/bash
#Add repo file from Google
yum install -y wget
mv google.repo /etc/yum.repos.d
#Install Google Chrome
yum install -y google-chrome-stable
#yum install -y google-chrome-beta
#yum install -y google-chrome-unstable

You need to remove the hash (#) sign to install Google Chrome of your choice.
Remember to hash out those installation that you don't need.I don't think you could install all version but I never tried.

For your convenience, you can download a copy of the script file from here.

Running Script File
After downloading the script file, you need to change the permission of the file to executable.
$chmod +x FC16-google-chrome-install-noarch

To run the script, navigate to the folder where the script reside and use the command:
$sudo ./FC16-google-chrome-install-noarch

*** End ***


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