Install Dropbox on Fedora 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Last Update (Jan 24 2014): Update for Fedora 20

This installation guide has been tested for Fedora 18, Fedora 19 and Fedora 20. However, you can also use the same method to install Dropbox on Fedora 16 and Fedora 17. 

To install Dropbox in Fedora, we need to configure a Dropbox repository and perform a yum install from the system terminal.

Configure Dropbox Repository
Create a file called dropbox.repo with the following:

name=Dropbox Repository

You can also download a copy from here. Place the file under /etc/yum.repos.d.

Installing Dropbox
Run yum install using the command:

sudo yum install nautilus-dropbox

A message may appear to inform you the complete installation of dropbox.

Error Handling: 
If you encounter any error while downloading nautilus-dropbox. You might need to change the base url in the repo file from$releasever/ to, or current version of Fedora -1.

Usually it takes a while for Dropbox to create the repository for the latest version of Fedora. As of this writing, the repository for the current Fedora has not been setup. I've set my repo file to the repository for Fedora 18.

Completing the Installation
After installation is done, you need to run Dropbox by clicking Activities and enter "dropbox" in the search box. Run the application. (For Fedora 18 use Show Applications >> Internet >> Dropbox for Fedora 18)

Click OK

Wait for the installation to complete.

Select I already have a Dropbox account

Enter your Dropbox account information and follow the installation.

You could also download a script file I've created to automate the installation process.

The entire script is listed below:
#! /bin/bash
# This software installation script is for Fedora 16 / Fedora 17 / Fedora 18 / Fedora 19 / Fedora 20 (32-bit/64-bit)
# It configures Dropbox yum repository and install Dropbox

#ensure that wget is installed
yum install -y wget

#Addition yum repo file from Dropbox 
mv dropbox.repo /etc/yum.repos.d

#Install Dropbox
yum install -y nautilus-dropbox

echo "Important! The installation is NOT complete!"
echo "You need to activate the dropbox program to complete the installation and configure a user account."
echo "The program is under Applications >> Internet >> Dropbox"
echo "For Fedora 18, go to Show Applications >> Internet >> Dropbox"
echo "For Fedora 19 and Fedora 20, click Activities and enter dropbox in the search box"

Running Script File
Remember to give execution permission to the script by running the command:
sudo chmod +x FC00-dropbox-install-noarch
sudo ./FC00-dropbox-install-noarch



  1. Hello,
    i think this will non work because you linked the fedora14 as repo and also the repo for fedora 19 is not available: please check for fedora 19...

    1. Sorry, my bad. The actual variable should be baseurl=$releasever/. Strangely, I've been installing for many versions and it works fine. Anyway, thanks for pointing the mistake.

    2. I've tested using $releasever. The test failed. I've change my repo file and set it to 18.

  2. perfect on fc19, thanks for post.

  3. This doesn't work. I've tried $releasever, 18 and 19 (even though it wasn't suggested). Failure every time:

    failure: repodata/repomd.xml from Dropbox: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Could not resolve host:; Name or service not known"

    Any ideas?

  4. Further to my last comment, apologies, I've got it now. I (being a Fedora/Linux newbie) didn't realise I had to close the dropbox.repo file in order for the changes to take effect when I run: sudo yum install...

    Now, though, I have trouble running Dropbox as it requires installation of a daemon, but the following error occurs:
    "Trouble connecting to Dropbox servers. Maybe your internet connection is down, or you need to set your http_proxy environment variable."

    1. You can try connecting to Dropbox from a browser to determine if it is a connection problem. If you manage to connect to the Dropbox website but you can't get the application working you might need to reinstall the application.

    2. I downloaded the daemon separately, moved it to my /home/user/ folder and ran it. Dropbox then worked fine. The issue was getting DB to connect that first time, which may have been impeded by my using Virtualbox.

  5. According to my experience with Scientific Linux, it is not necessary nor convenient to add this repository for Dropbox, because you will need to be aware of changes both in the repository and in the Dropbox version. Installing directly from the Dropbox official site works fine, just be sure you are in the right site, for example, by logging in.

  6. Seems to work on F21 (MATE) as well. By changing a line in dropbox.repo to: baseurl=
    as F21 is not supported as of December 2014

  7. work perfect on IGN X linux, change /$releasever to /19


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