Using SSH with VritualBox Guest OS

If we installed a sever such as Ubuntu server on VirtuaBox, we will not be able to ssh into the server since the network are isolated from each other. To establish connection with VirtualBox guest OS, we need to create a separate network and a 2nd adapter for host only connection.

Before we create a second adapter on the ubuntu server, we need to create a separate network for the host-only adapter.  

Create Host Network in VirtualBox

Open VirtualBox, select File >> Host Network Manager...

Click on Create to create a host network. A host network known as vboxnet0 is created with a separate subnet and a dhcp server. We can create one network for each server or we can use the same network between different server so that they talk to each other.

Next, we can setup a 2nd network adapter on the virtual machine. On the virtual machine, we can see that the first network adapter is setup as NAT device so that it can communicate with the internet.

On Adapter 2, we enable the network adapter and attached it our host network vboxnet0. 

Finally, we need to activate the network on the server.



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