Docker Command Cheat Sheet

Listed below is a list of docker command:

You can also access this file from Github at

Test Run

docker run hello-world

Docker Pull

# Download docker image without running it
docker pull <image_name>

docker pull alpine
docker pull hello-world
docker pull ubuntu
docker pull centos
docker pull python
docker pull python:3.7-slim

Docker Run

# Run docker image
docker run <image_name>
docker run <image_name> <command>

docker run -d --name <container_name> <image_name>
#-d is to detached from terminal and run in the background, suitable for server
#--name name the container

docker run -d --name <container_name> -p 80:80 <image_name> <command>
#-p map the network port from the host to the container

docker run -it <image_name> <command>
# -i is for interactive session
# -t is to create a tty for user interaction
# usually use -it

docker run -it --name <container_name> <image_name> <command>

docker run hello-world
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name webserver nginx

docker run alpine ls -al
docker run alpine echo "Hello"
docker run alpine uname -r

docker run -it alpine /bin/sh

Docker Run with Folder/Drive Mapping

# Run docker with folder mapping
docker run -it --name <name> -v <localPath>:<containerPath> -w <workingDir> <Image>
# -v folder mapping from local path to container path
# -w default working directory

docker run -it --name myubuntu ubuntu
docker run -it --name myubuntu -v $(PWD):/home  ubuntu
# $(PWD) is current directory
docker run -it --name myubuntu -v /Users/name/data:/home -w /home  ubuntu
# -w The default pwd will be /home

Manage Container

# List active container
docker container ls

# List active container
docker container ls -a

# Stop a running container
docker container stop <container>
docker stop <container>
docker kill <container>
# kill is force shutdown

# Remove Container
docker container rm <container>
docker rm <container>

# Restart Exited Container
docker start -a -i <container>

# Remove All Inactive Container
docker container prune
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

Manage Container Process

# List docker container that is still running
docker ps
# List all docker container process including exited
docker ps -a

Manage Image

# List Image
docker images
docker image ls
# Remove docker image
docker image rm <image>
docker rmi <image>
# Remove all docker image
docker image rm $(docker image ls -a -q) 

docker image rm nginx

Docker Machine

# docker machine
docker-machine ls
docker-machine active
docker-machine ip mahcine

Docker Image Building

# Convert docker container to image
docker commit <container> <image:tag>
# Build docker image using Dockerfile
# Dockerfile must be in the same place where the command is executed.
docker build -t  <username/image> .

Pushing Custom Image to Repositories

# Login to Docker repositories
docker login

# Tag image before upload
docker tag <image> username/repository:tag
# Pushing custom docker image to public repositories
docker push username/image:tag

Checking Docker Version 

# Check the version of Docker
docker --version
# Check the version of Docker Compose
docker-compose --version
# Check the version of Docker Machine
docker-machine --version
# Check if current Docker is running experimental server
docker version -f {{.Server.Experimental}}



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